Friday, March 13, 2009

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Eternal Duelist Soul Review.

Hello, this'll be my 2nd review in this blog. This time, it'll be on Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Eternal Duelist Soul. Many people don't like Yu-Gi-Oh! at all. To be honest, I don't watch the TV show anymore nor did I play the card game, but I think some Yu-Gi-Oh! games are great, & this is one of them. Originally came out in 2002 for the Game Boy Advance.


There's not really a story at all, well you're dueling against characters from the Yu-Gi-Oh! TV show, but the story is gonna get as deep as that.


Basically plays like the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. If you know how to play, you should have no trouble at all in the beginning. If you don't know how to, ummmm, well, just play around until you're familar with it. I might edit the rules of the game in this blog post later so, don't worry. You can speed up the pace with the L button.


The cards in this game resemble real closely to their real life versions of the cards. Other than that, there isn't much to look at.


The sound is ok, some tunes are catchy, but others are annoying. Not much to say here


A very good game. It's a good way to play Yu-Gi-Oh! on the go without bringing your cards with. B

I didn't really have much to say in the review. Just watch the gameplay video.

Gameplay video:

Keep in mind that I didn't make this video nor do I own it!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gex 64: Enter the Gecko review.

Hello boys n' girls. Today I will do a review on Gex 64: Enter the Gecko. Released around mid 1998 for the Nintendo 64. Gex 64 was a port of Gex: Enter the Gecko which was released on the PSX back in December 1997 I think. Even though Gex 64 had fewer bonus levels & one-liners than the PSX version, it was still a very good game, but why? Lets find out.

Spoilers AHOY!

Story: Rez is trying to take over TV & maybe the world too. Gex must stop him for
the 2nd time. (Gex: Enter the Gecko was the 2nd Gex game) An ok story.

Gameplay: The levels are somewhat like that of Super Mario 64 where each level has it's own objectives for you to complete such as locating & breaking 5 objects scattered throughout the level & reaching the end of the level. Collecting stuff is unlike that of a lot of games, there's 3 sets of collectibles that you can get on the level & they act like the "coins" of Gex 64. When you enter a level, you can only get the 1st set of collectibles at 1st, but when you collect 30 of them, the 2nd set of collectibles replaces the 1st set of collectibles, collect 40 of the 2nd set of them & you can get to the 3rd set of collectibles. You'll also gain an extra life every time you do this. The reward for completing objectives in a level usually rewards you with a red remote which acts like the "stars" of Super Mario 64, that is collect enough of them & you can gain access to the boss & new areas for you to explore & there's usually 2-3 red remotes within each level. There're also silver remotes which you can gain by collecting 120 collectibles or by finding 1 in a secret area of a level (hard to do.) & there's usually 2 silver remotes within each level. Lastly, there's gold remotes which can be gained by defeating a boss. I don't know which purpose they serve.

Graphics: Crystal Dynamics did such a good job at making the stages look like parodies of popular TV shows. There's some Cartoon stages, Kung-Fu stages, Haunted House stages, Space stages, & many more. They also made some of the enemies look like popular TV characters, not too closely to get the developers in legal trouble, but enough so you can tell if it's a parody or not.

Sound/Music: Gex's one-liners might be annoying to hear, but if you're so annoyed by it, just use the mute button on your TV remote. The music is pretty good, especially the hub theme. Sound effects also do a good job in this game.

Control: Not as sharp as Super Mario 64's, but still functional. The camera can be quite annoying unfortunately.

Overall: A very good game. I would give it a B+. Get it if you can find it.

Score: B+

Gameplay video:

Note: I do not own this video nor did I ever made it!